Thursday, June 25, 2009

Suffering The Consequences

Recently I have been reflecting back on some of the choices and decisions I have made and have found that I did not always make the right ones. I have had to suffer some consequences for a few of those wrong ones I have made. I didn't ask god why I was going thru some of the things that I was because he led me back to the time when I made those choices and said I gave you a free will to choose as you will. Sometimes we want to blame god or even the devil for the things that we go thru. When really its just us suffering the consequences for the choices we made. There are times that god doesn't have us go thru the consequences but that doesn't mean its ok for us to continue to make the wrong choices. He wants us to learn from it and grow in him. If we never suffer the consequences then how will we ever be able to testify of gods love, mercy, and grace that he has given to us. If you find that you continue to keep making the same bad choices then its time to ask god what it is you need to do to change that pattern of thinking. We have to constantly renew our minds so that we have the mind of Christ. Not to say I will never make another bad decision but that I will always strive to do his will. In every choice I make I want to be sure that I am in line with the word of god and that I follow the path he has laid out for me. If we never suffer the consequences how will we ever learn to make the right choices and let god show us the right way.

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Walking Thru The Fire So He Can Break Me Down To Mold Me Into His Image.

Walking Thru The Fire So He Can Break Me Down To Mold Me Into His Image.
Live Life With No Regrets, Laugh Til It Hurts, Love Unconditionally