Monday, October 18, 2010

Nuggets That God Drops In You

Dont you just love how God gives you nuggets of things and we take those nuggets and eat it all up not realizing while he is dropping these into you how it all comes together. Here are some of mine that I have posted on my facebook over the course of week or two. He never ceases to amaze me.

I have been doing alot of thinking lately and observing inside myself as well as others. Why is it that we say we want more of God and what he wants for our lives, but yet we don't give it all to him? What is it you are searching for? Why do you look everywhere but still don't find it? You cant fill the void with with anything except God. Hes the only one who gives you what you need and guides you to it. Rely on him, Serve him, let your desires be his and he will fill you with his glory. No earthly treasure, No person, No hobby, etc... can take the place of him. When we truly get that and stop playing games and give it ALL to him holding back nothing then we will be truly full and blessed. God doesn't want your sacrifice he wants your obedience. Look to him for guidance and wisdom not in places where there is only darkness and chaos. Give him your all...truly give him all and he will take you beyond what you ever thought possible in him. Woke up today with an expectancy in my spirit this morning. God is stirring that fire that he has placed in me and he saw that it was trying to go out, but he has added more fuel for it to burn bright. Don't let anything or anyone sway you to put that fire out. The choices we make no matter how insignificant it seems at the moment can affect the fire he has placed in you. Every decision you make can either help that fire burn bright for him or it can be put out. Ask him for wisdom in all your choices and decisions. Stop relying on your own understanding because we don't always see what it is God is doing or taking us and he ALWAYS knows best. I can remember sitting down and writing and just thinking how the name JESUS sounded to me and made me feel. He has brought me back to that time in my life to show me No matter how your day is, what circumstance your in, how sick you are, etc... that if we call on the name of JESUS he will see is thru it and never leave us. "There is a name that's above all names on this earth...his name is JESUS JESUS..a sweet name, a soft name that soothes the ears." My sis and I sang this years ago when we were both young and I can remember standing up on the platform with her and how nervous I was, but when I began to sing those words he had given me I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and love from him.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Being Single....And Being Okay With It

I have been rather quiet on my blog lately and I guess that is due to the fact that I got lazy and didn't feel I had anything to write down. I have been taking in as much as I can lately from God and just letting him show me where I need to get things in order in my life. Sometimes we tend to let things side track us without realizing that it's happening until it's too late. I have been single now for a long time and there are times that I long to have someone in my life that I can share it with, but I seem to find the wrong ones. I am really OK being single if that is what God wishes for my life, because I only what more of him. He has had to teach me to be satisfied in my situation. I can't say that its always easy and I have my moments when it bothers me, but I have to say for the most part I am just fine with it. I was having a discussion with a good friend of mine recently and I told her that I know what it is I want in a relationship now after many years of having what I didn't want. God knows what I need and when he sees fit to bring that person into my life then I will welcome it with open arms. I will know when it is right, because there will be no confusion about it and no wondering if this is the right one. I have learned that. God has brought me to a place in my life where he wants it to be all about him and no distractions from anything. I have had many people removed from my life and many things have changed over the last 4 years. For those of you that are single like me and find yourself desiring to have someone in your life to share it with stop and ask God what it is he wants for your life. He knows your desires already and when its right he will bring some of them to pass, but ask him what it is his desires are and ask him to make his desires your desires and you will find that not only will the loneliness go away but he will fill you so full of him that you will be able to contain it anymore. Don't get your eyes on the wrong thing and don't let yourself get into situation that may lead to something that it shouldn't. Keep your mind renewed, heart open, and guard your spirit because the enemy will tempt you when you are at your weakest. Stay in that secret place with God and let him speak to you and fill you up so that you can go out and carry his glory to the world. Let him set you apart from everything so that he can shine through you.

Walking Thru The Fire So He Can Break Me Down To Mold Me Into His Image.

Walking Thru The Fire So He Can Break Me Down To Mold Me Into His Image.
Live Life With No Regrets, Laugh Til It Hurts, Love Unconditionally