Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Showing The Love Of God To The Needy

Monday evening I normally have dance practice, but this past Monday nite we went down to the River City Love Squad. They have a service every Monday nite that starts with music then ministering to the people. After that they serve a hot meal, give out clothing, blankets, etc... It was my privilege along with other people from my church to go down and help serve the food and give out clothing to people. These are not just homeless people, but people who need god in their lives. There were some strange characters there that nite looking at them on the outside, but when you talk to them you see how much they really need Jesus. Many of them struggle with drugs, alcohol, sexual demons of all kinds, and just the day to day struggles of life. Many of them don't see anything good all they see is violence, hurt, and hate. I commend the people that are down there every week that are down there to just serve these people in anyway they can and show them the love of Jesus. It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, smell like, talk like, act like Jesus loves you just as you are and you need to lay it all down at his feet. Will it be easy for some of them to do They will struggle with it until they are free of it. Its not up to us to judge them its up to us to love them and help them in whatever way we can. I encourage all of you to find a place in your community or if your church is involved in helping a place like the River City Love squad to get involved and help out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The passage i read "showing the love of God to the needy",the passage under consideration presents three broad areas of responsibility.Think of it as a job description-a writer declaration that spells out in clear,understandable terms what about employmer axpect of us.In the church,the Lord employs us to reflect His love and goodness.As we fulfil these responsibilities,we reveal His love to others and enable the church to function according to His design.It is only enough to merely talk about our responsibilities to the church,we need to fulfil them.Every church provide opportunitiesto do this.What can we do as an individuals?Check with pastor who can likely steer you towards the people in the congregationwho can use your conpassionate help.Carefully and Prayerfully,consider your support for the church leaders;think about your responsibilities beyond financial support as well.This world is full of people who need your kindness and compassion,We lived in a world that cries out for authentic Christianity to be live out in full view daily.Doing this provides a powerful wtness to the lost.
willingly assume the responsibilities that your participation in church places on you.When you do this,you will personally experience the joy that accompanies faithful obedience to God.You will vividly demonstrate the spirit of Christto others as you loving serve them.The fulfilling responsibilities enables us to let our light shine brightly in the darkness around us and to represent Him accurately and well,Don`t lose hope keep on doing good,always be a good steward,faithful,profitable servant.

Walking Thru The Fire So He Can Break Me Down To Mold Me Into His Image.

Walking Thru The Fire So He Can Break Me Down To Mold Me Into His Image.
Live Life With No Regrets, Laugh Til It Hurts, Love Unconditionally