Monday, February 15, 2010

Why Did God Have Me Revisit My Past?

Have you ever just had god take you back through your past to remember some things. Not to condemn you but to teach you and show you maybe the right way to do something the next time or it maybe that you will have an opportunity to share with someone that is going through what you had already been through. Our past is not something that we want to dwell on, but it is apart of who you are and you have to be able to pull from your past experiences to learn from them and to be able to let god use you. There are many things that alot of us would like to keep buried in the past to never surface again, but I know myself that god has used me many times to minister or share with someone that is going through the very same thing that I went through. Even if I didn't handle it in the best way when I went through it but god gave me the wisdom to know what to do next time. I believe that everything that we go through good and bad is for a reason. It is not always for us, sometimes it for someone else that you may have to minister to later on down the road. Just like I said in my last entry we are called into the ministry by the way we live our lives for god. If people can see what you came out of and where you are now that is such a testimony to how god can change a persons life. It also shows the grace, love, and forgiveness he has given to us. My past is not something I like to revisit very often, but god has healed me of that past hurt that I went through so that I may pull from it when he needs me to. Just remember when god has you revisit the past don't be closed minded about it let god use you and help you to show others what he has done in your life and what he will do for them.

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Walking Thru The Fire So He Can Break Me Down To Mold Me Into His Image.

Walking Thru The Fire So He Can Break Me Down To Mold Me Into His Image.
Live Life With No Regrets, Laugh Til It Hurts, Love Unconditionally