I have had a very stressful last two weeks with work. Sometimes you wonder how you are going to get through all the stress and just be able to do your job effectively. This was my prayer for one of the days that I had and that day I felt god settle in the warehouse and no matter what happened that day I felt peace.
My Prayer For The Day January 29, 2010
God you know the week I have been having and you know the circumstances behind all of it. Please help me not to become frustrated, lose my patience, let words come out of my mouth that shouldn't. Instead god let your presence settle in this place so they when we take a breathe we can smell your sweet presence. Let us soak it in and have the peace and joy of having you near to us. I pray that you touch each of my co-workers and that they come to know you as i know you. Let our thoughts be your thoughts today. Let us not worry about petty things that don't matter but to keep our eyes focused on you. I want my desires to be your desires. Change our hearts and our minds today so that we can show others of the perfect love you have given us. Thank you god for resting in this place today.
We sometimes need to change our attitude and our way of doing things. We are the ones who change the atmosphere around us. When we give that control up to the enemy or to people around us then the peace, joy, and love of god takes a back seat to the chaos around us. I had to stop that day at work and pray for my co-workers and pray that god change my mindset and my attitude that day. How can I expect god to do something in my co-workers lives when I don't change my way of thinking and doing things. As Christians the world watches us and we should be the example not the hindrance.
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