Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cast Aside Fear

I've been helping Tammy get things organized for our upcoming workshop in March for Dance It Out. It's made me stop and take a look at things from the perspective of someone who isn't involved in the dance ministry or something similar. When we host the workshops whether it be our annual one we do at our church or when we go out to other places and host one for them alot people think that these workshops are just for people who dance or are interested in dance. Our whole purpose for being in ministry is to lead others into the presence of GOD. This ministry is not about just dance, drama, flags & billows, its not about whether you're talented or gifted. It is not about what others perceive as worship...it is all about helping others to open themselves up to what GOD has for them and to free themselves to be able to worship GOD on a more intimate level. We are a group of people who when God said, "Who will I send?" we said "Send us". I used to be one of those people who sat in the congregation and during praise and worship and I would feel that there was something more than just raising my hands. I hungered for more of him and wasn't sure how to get it. I'm not saying the dance ministry is the answer for everyone but it was for me. That is where God placed me for this time in my life. I'm saying that he wants us to be open to him and not keep ourselves in such a tightly closed box that we don't spread our wings and just soar with him. It's about letting ourselves go and putting aside anything that would stand in the way of us worshiping him on an intimate level. Don't let fear hold you back from what God has for you. It doesn't matter what others may say or how they look at you it's about what God sees and what he wants from you. If he told you to run around the church would you do it? If he told you to jump up and down would you do it? If he told you to scream for him would you do it? Everyone is quick to say they would but when it comes down to it most people let fear of what others think hold them back. Your worship isn't determined by what others think or say. The only one who matters is God and what he says and thinks. He wants all of you and not just the parts you want to give because it feels comfortable. He takes us out of our comfort zone to stretch us so that he can use us. So cast aside the fear and let yourself open up to what he has for you and when you do you will never be able to hold back anymore. You will find yourself hungering for more of him and won't be satisfied with anything else.

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Walking Thru The Fire So He Can Break Me Down To Mold Me Into His Image.

Walking Thru The Fire So He Can Break Me Down To Mold Me Into His Image.
Live Life With No Regrets, Laugh Til It Hurts, Love Unconditionally