These past few weeks have been a time of rejuvenation for me. I took a step back and stood still to get myself in check and to straighten out some things that needed to get in order in my life. For those of you who know me and my story you know that a year ago my relationship w/my boyfriend of 6 yrs ended. Since we broke up we have tried to put things back together and it just didn't work. I made my mind up a 4 months ago, but because of not wanting to hurt his feelings and to keep from my feelings from overtaking me I backed off slowly. Its been a painful journey for me, but a necessary one. I have finally put that relationship behind me and have moved on. It hasn't been an easy road. I remain friends with him but at a distance for a while. Its never easy to close the door on relationships of any kind but there is a time and season for all relationships. The season has ended on this one. I am okay with being single and for the first time in a very long time I have true peace in my life. I would have moments of peace, but none that ever lasted for more than days at a time. I now sleep good at night where before I couldnt sleep through the night without waking up several times in the night. I know it doesn't sound like much to some people, but that is a big thing for me. I was so tired all the time and my body was breaking down from the stress and anxiety of the whole situation. I am not saying at all the he is a bad person he and I just needed to end a relationship that started off wrong from the beginning. I am not sad about it I have never been happier and I give god all the praise for that. I am a very emotional person, you can ask the ladies of W.O.W. they will tell you I cry all the!, and for me to be happy coming out of this is a miracle in itself. That is how I know that I made the right decision. I don't know what the future holds for me as far as a relationship w/him or any other man, but I do know god wanted to move me, but I was being held down by the weights of my hurt and pain and it was time to be rid of that and to be able to move on. If there is one thing that I have learned through this whole experience its that I am stronger than I thought I was through the strength that god has given me.
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