Bet you thought I fell off the face of the! Just kidding. I just came off a week of overtime, 60 hrs I worked last week. It was an answer to prayer. Those of you that have read my blog know that I have to pay a $500 fine by the end of January. I wasn't sure how I was going to pay it, but I knew god did. He provided an opportunity for me to get as much ovetime as I wanted to be able to get a good start on paying that. I won't lie I complained halfway through the week and was cranky. I still thanked god the whole way through it, cause if it wasn't for him providing me the o/t I don't know how I would have come up with the money.
I have been sick this week with a sinus infection and battling fatigue from last weeks o/t. For those of you who don't know where I work I sit in front of a computer all day and process claims. I work for SHPS. I have been there since February. I enjoy the job most of the time and the people I work with. Its the first time I have had a job that I can keep to myself if I want to. I know that sounds like a someone wanting to hide, but that's not what I mean. I needed a job where I could get focused and not be pulled in a million different directions, where I could slow down from the fast paced businesses that I worked for before.
God has been dealing with me lately on somethings and I will be sharing some of them over the next week or two. I miss blogging. I am not eloquent with my words and don't have some powerful words for people. I am just me and I told god that I would expose myself for him and share with people in hopes that it will touch their lives and hopefully help people who are where I have been.
Well god bless and I will be writing more in the next couple of days to catch up. I promise I won't overload you......well.....just kidding.
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