Just when you think church is routine then god takes over. It's never boring at church and god always shows up. Today was no exception. It was only Tammy J. and myself doing flags today which was odd for us because we usually dont have that much room. We took advantage of it....lol!
Saturday the ladies and I had come together to practice because we were supposed to dance today, but Tammy pulled a muscle in her back. It threw us all for a moment or two and Tammy said pray for me now. We dropped what we were doing and prayed. She is a remarkable woman of faith. She pushes through despite what obstacles are thrown at her and she has tremendous strength. We are supposed to go to Glasgow, Ky and Nashville,Tn next weekend. Please keep us in prayer as we go to help another church begin a dance ministry. It isn't about talent and ability its about having a heart of worship. We may know alot about the dance ministry but we know it takes the annointing of god for it to touch lives. We have been asked to minister at a church in Nashville on sunday evening and I am excited because Tammy is finally going to step out of that box and into what god has called her to do. You are gonna be hearing miraculous things happening from W.O.W. Please pray that we have a safe trip, that everyone is well, and most importanly that god shows himself through us. We appreciate all the support we get from our church family and from Pastor and the staff.
This is just the beginning of the journey for us and every step we take has been layed out before us all we have to do is be obedient and walk it.
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