As you know a few of the ladies and I went to glasgow and to nashville this past weekend. It was an awesome experience. Alisha who is a girl I met last year through Tammy goes to a church in glasgow ky and god layed it on her heart to start a dance ministry. She didnt know anything about it or how to get started or what to do. She is familiar with our dance ministry and asked Tammy if she would come and do a workshop with them to teach them some things and just for them to learn what it is to be in a dance ministry. We never know what to expect when we go to minister as it is, we really didn't know what to expect because we have never done anything like this before. Its one thing to minister another to impart. This weekend was a new beginning for our group. There were only four of us that went, Tammy, Tammy J., Angel, and myself. On the way down I felt an excitement begin to stir up inside of me. I knew to expect something but not sure what. When we arrived at the church their were only 3 women that showed up to the workshop. Its not about the number of people its about being obedient. It wouldn't have mattered if it was 1 person god has us there to impart something to those women.
We just started off by introducing ourselves and then Tammy told them that we were just going to have free worship to begin with to set the atmosphere. They stood and watched us as we began to pick up a flag and just worship to the song playing. It was fall on me. That song has such power to it. "Fall on me, Fall on me, let your manifested glory fall one me...." How can you not worship thinking of the glory of the lord falling down over you drenching you and you basking in it. Some of us put our flags down and began to dance and do whatever we were lead to do. It was a good way to start off the day. I met a lady named Tammy. Her daughter Brittany is going to be apart of their dance ministry and she was there to just be a spectator and she also bought us all lunch, that was very sweet of her. There was a point at the end of the workshop that we did another free worship session and the song on the shekinah glory cd "praise is what I do" was playing. As I danced with my flag and just lost myself in worship closing my eyes the whole time god began to show me that lady Tammy dancing and waving a flag. I didn't say anything to her except that I saw her doing it eventually as the day ended. We went back to their church the next morning to minister at their church. It was different than we are used to. Pastor Curtis, the choir, and the praise team do an awesome job leading us in worship. This church is still in its humble beginnings and have people there that are not free in their worship yet. So it was a bit tough for us to get through their praise and worship, but it doesn't matter where you are you can worship god in any circumstance. They turned the service over to us after that. We did the service much like we do when we normally go out except we initiated Angel this weekend. This was her first time going out with us and she got up to testify and she spoke with such love and without much effort. She later said she was a bundle of nerves and had so much going in her head she thought she was fumbling over her words. You would never know it. God has a way of making our jumbled messes come out beautiful. When the service ended the pastor got up in front of his congregation and all he said at first was WOW. We laughed and he said it again cause he was almost speechless. He had a sermon all ready to preach on praise and worship but he said it was pointless because they had already been ministered to about that through our dance and testimonies. He said if you missed that one then there isn't anything i can do for you. He had us come up front and everyone came by and gave us hugs and words of encouragement. That lady Tammy I spoke about came up to me and looked at me and said, "You and I are alot alike. We have went through some similar things and I want to thank you for sharing that with us it touched me. She began to cry and I gave her a hug and said you have been called this weekend and god is waiting for you to step into what he has for you. She smiled and said I know. I am not usually one to say something unless i feel led by god to say it. We loaded up from there and went to Nashville. This was a different experience than I ever expected. It was a southern baptist church to begin with. We had no idea what to expect. They had us begin the service and Tammy J. sang. That girl can sing. Dont let her being quiet fool you she is a firecracker for jesus. Then we did the service much like we did that morning. Tammy had asked earlier that morning when we were in glasgow what song she thought she should do for her solo dance. She was going to do alabastor box, but i kept hearing into the holy of holies in my spirit so i told her she should do that one. She said really, I said yeah. She ended the service in that southern baptist church with that song. There was a young girl who was helping us do our music and while Tammy was dancing that dance she was intently watching her. She began to let tears flow down her face. At one point in the song Tammy had turned right at her and was a couple of feet away from her while she was dancing and the girl began to weep a little harder. That song is powerful anyway but with the dance it ministered to that girl in a way that no one else but god could do. You could see it on her face. When we were finished the minister came up and began to speak. I dont remember much of what he said other than this, "If you feel like dancing dance, if you feel like shouting shout, don't let religion hold you back in your worhip". He then pulled out oil from behind the podium and asked Tammy to come up and he wanted the whole church to pray for her and us. Keep in mind this is a southern baptist church, they don't do things like that there. It was the most awesome experience. Everyone we met over the weekend was so kind and sweet. I will never forget them and I wont forget the way god touched each of our lives either.
I know god is opening up a new door for us to step into and this past weekend was the first step into many other things to come. Keep us in your prayers.
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